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আমাদের লাকি চেস্টের সাথে আপনাকে আরও উত্তেজিত করতে, আমরা এলোমেলো ভাবে ক্যাশ ড্রপের জন্য অতিরিক্ত ১,০০০,০০০ BDT যোগ করেছি! প্রতি সপ্তাহে 10 জন ভাগ্যবান খেলোয়াড়ের একজন হন! মোট পুরষ্কার পুলে এটি ৫,৭৭৭,৭৭৭ টাকা করে!

এটা কিভাবে কাজ করে:

১. লাকি চেস্ট উপার্জন করুন
এক সপ্তাহে কমপক্ষে মোট ১০,০০০ BDT জমা করে আপনার লাকি চেস্ট উপার্জন করুন।

২. লগ ইন করুন এবং আপনার লাকি চেস্ট খুলুন
স্পিন শুরু করতে আপনার ইউজারনেম এবং আপনার ভেরিফাই ফোন নম্বরের শেষ ৪ সংখ্যা দিয়ে লগ ইন করুন।
৩. ১,০০০,০০০ BDT ক্যাশ ড্রপ
প্রতি সপ্তাহে ড্র করার জন্য পুলে ১,০০০,০০০BDT পর্যন্ত 10টি নির্দিষ্ট পুরস্কার যোগ করা হয়েছে।

পরিমাণ পুরস্কারের সংখ্যা

এখন চেস্ট খুলুন


১. এই প্রচারটি সকল BDT খেলোয়াড়দের ক্ষেত্রে প্রযোজ্য।
২. প্রচারটি সাপ্তাহিকভাবে অনুষ্ঠিত হয় এবং প্রতি রবিবার 22:00 PM GMT+6 এ পুনরায় শুরু হয়৷
৩. প্রতি মঙ্গলবার দুপুর 10:00 AM GMT+6 এ লাকি চেস্ট জমা করা হবে এবং গ্রহন করার জন্য খেলোয়াড়কে লাকি চেস্ট সাইটে লগইন। যোগ্য খেলোয়াড়রা ইনবক্সে একটি মেসেজ পাবেন যা জানায় যে ভাগ্যবান চেস্টটি ক্লেইম করার জন্য প্রস্তুত। নিচে দেখুনঃ
– বিদ্যমান খেলোয়াড় যারা মোট 10,000 BDT বা তার বেশি ডিপোজিট করেছেন।
– প্রতিটি খেলোয়াড় প্রতি সপ্তাহে ১টি লাকি চেস্ট উপার্জন করতে পারবে।
৪. প্লেয়ারকে অবশ্যই লগইন করতে হবে এবং শুক্রবার বাংলাদেশ সময় রাত ৯:৫৯ মিনিটের এর আগে তাদের লাকি চেস্ট রিডিম করতে হবে। যদি খেলোয়াড়রা নির্দিষ্ট সময়ের মধ্যে এটি সম্পন্ন না করে তবে লাকি চেষ্টের মেয়াদ শেষ হয়ে যাবে।
৫. লাকি চেস্ট প্রোমো আগে আসলে আগে পাবেন ভিত্তিতে। যদি ৫,৭৭৭,৭৭৭ BDT সাপ্তাহিক প্রাইজ পুল খেলোয়াড়দের দ্বারা সম্পূর্ণরূপে রিডিম করা হয়। প্রচারটি নির্দিষ্ট সপ্তাহের জন্য “শেষ” বা “সম্পন্ন” হিসাবে বিবেচিত হবে৷
৬. লাকি চেষ্টের ফলাফল এলোমেলো এবং পুরস্কার পুল সম্পূর্ণরূপে দাবি করা হলে প্রচার স্বয়ংক্রিয়ভাবে শেষ হবে। একজন খেলোয়াড় একটি লাকি চেস্ট থেকে সর্বাধিক ৫০,০০০BDT পর্যন্ত নগদ পুরস্কার জিততে পারেন!!
৭. লিডারবোর্ডে প্লেয়ারের ইউজার নাম এর প্রথম এবং শেষ দুটি (২) অক্ষর দেখাবে। যদি আপনার ইউজার নামটি সাত (7) অক্ষরের বেশি হয়, তবে নিরাপত্তার জন্য এটি মাঝখানে মাস্ক করা হবে।
উদাহরণ: যদি ইউজার নাম “user123456” হয়, তাহলে লিডারবোর্ডে এটি “us***56” এইভাবে দেখানো হবে।
৮. লাকি চেস্ট পুরস্কারটি রিডিম করার পরের দি ন 13:00 PM GMT +6 এর ভিতরে অথবা তার আগে নগদ পুরস্কারটি আপনার প্রধান অ্যাকাউন্টে জমা করা হবে।
৯.যে কোনো উইথড্র করার আগে নগদ পুরস্কারের সমস্ত MCW পণ্যগুলিতে ৩ গুন ট্রানওভার এর প্রয়োজনীয়তা রয়েছে ৷ প্লেয়ারের অ্যাকাউন্টে ব্যালেন্স ১০ টাকা বা তার কম হলে ট্রানওভার পূরণ করে দেওয়া হবে।
১০. কোনো ডিপোজিট ছাড়াই নতুন প্লেয়ার অ্যাকাউন্টের জন্য, প্লেয়ারকে তার উইনিং উইথড্র এর ক্ষেত্রে একটি ন্যূনতম ডিপোজিট প্রয়োজন।
১১. এই প্রচারমূলক বোনাস অফারটি একজন ব্যক্তি/অ্যাকাউন্ট/পরিবার/আইন নিবন্ধিত ঠিকানা/ইমেল ঠিকানা/টেলিফোন নম্বর/পেমেন্ট অ্যাকাউন্ট)/আইপি ঠিকানা/শেয়ার করা কম্পিউটার পরিবেশ, যেমন, স্কুল, পাবলিক লাইব্রেরি, বা কর্মক্ষেত্রে সীমাবদ্ধ। আমরা যেকোন গ্রাহক বা গ্রাহকদের গ্রুপের কাছে যেকোন বোনাস অফারের প্রাপ্যতা প্রত্যাহার করার অধিকার সংরক্ষণ করি।
১২. MCW চূড়ান্ত সিদ্ধান্ত নেওয়ার অধিকার সংরক্ষণ করে।

আপনি জিতেছেন

ব্যবহারকারীর নাম পুরস্কার

আপনি জিতেছেন

লোডিং ....
Terms and Condition

To get you more excited with our Lucky Chest, we have added additional 1,000,000 BDT for random cash drop! Be one of the 10 Lucky Players each week! Making it 5,777,777

How it works:

Earn your Lucky Chest by accumulating at least a total deposit of 10,000 BDT in a week.

Log in with your username and the last 4 digits of your registered phone number to start the spin.

3. 1,000,000 BDT Cash Drop
10 fixed prize added up to 1,000,000 BDT has been added to the pool to be drawn each week.

Amount Number of Prizes
300,000 1
200,000 1
100,000 2
50,000 6


Terms and Conditions:

  1. This promotion is available for all BDT players.
  2. The promotion is held weekly and restarts every Sunday at 22:00 PM GMT+6.
  3. Lucky chest will be credited every Tuesday at 10:00 PM GMT+6 and player need to login to the lucky chest site to redeem it. Eligible players will received an inbox message informing them that the lucky chest is ready to be redeemed. See below:
    – Existing player who accumulate a total deposit of 10,000 BDT or above
    – Each player can earn 1 Lucky Chest every week.
  4. Player must login and redeem their lucky chest before Friday 21:59PM GMT+6. The lucky chest will expire if players do not redeem it within the given period.
  5. The lucky chest promo is on first come first serve basis. If the 5,777,777 BDT weekly prize pool has been fully redeemed by the players. The promotion will be consider as “Ended” or “Done” for the particular week.
  6. The outcome of the lucky chest is random and promotion will automatically end when the prize pool has been fully claimed. Maximum cash prize a player can win from a single lucky chest is up to 50,000 BDT!!
  7. Player’s username on the leaderboard will show the first and last two (2) characters. If your username is longer than seven (7) characters, it will be masked in the middle for security purposes.
    Example: If the username is “user123456”, then on the leaderboard it will be displayed as “us***56”.
  8. The cash prize will be credited to your real money account on or before 13:00 pm GMT +6 the next day when the lucky chest prize has been redeemed.
  9. The cash prize has 3x Wagering Requirement on ALL MCW Products before any withdrawal can be made. The wagering requirement will be met if the balance in player’s account is 10 BDT or less.
  10. For new player accounts without any deposit, a minimum deposit is required before player is allowed to withdraw his winnings.
  11. This promotional bonus offer is limited to one person/ account/ family/ legal registered address/ email address/ telephone number/ payment account)/ IP Address/ shared computer environment, e.g., school, public library, or workplace. We reserve the right to withdraw the availability of any bonus offer to any customer or group of customers.
  12. MCW reserves the right to make the final decision.

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Description Prize

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Chi tiết Phần thưởng
Điều khoản và điều kiện

🎉 Hãy chung vui cùng chúng tôi trong lễ kỷ niệm 49 Năm Giải Phóng Miền Nam (30/4/1975-30/4/2024)!   Để kỷ niệm ngày này quỹ giải thưởng của chúng tôi hiện đã được tăng thêm 100.000.000 VND mỗi tuần! Tổng giải thưởng lên đến 588.888.888 VND! 💰 Tham gia ngay và giành chiến thắng lớn! 🎁

Tích lũy ít nhất 1.000.000 VND tiền gửi hàng tuần để nhận rương may mắn. Giành giải thưởng tiền mặt từ Tổng giải thưởng 588.888.888 VNĐ hàng tuần!!

Cách hoạt động:

Hãy tìm kiếm cơ hội nhận Rương may mắn bằng cách tích lũy ít nhất tổng số tiền gửi là 1.000.000 VND trong một tuần.

Đăng nhập bằng tên tài khoản và 4 chữ số cuối của số điện thoại đã đăng ký của bạn để bắt đầu mở rương.

3. TẶNG TIỀN MẶT 100.000.000 VND
10 giải thưởng cố định lên tới 100.000.000 VND đã được thêm vào quỹ để rút thăm từ rương may mắn mỗi tuần

Số tiền Số lượng giải
30.000.000 1
20.000.000 1
10.000.000 2
5.000.000 6


Điều khoản và điều kiện:

  1. Khuyến mãi này dành cho tất cả người chơi VND.
  2. Chương trình khuyến mãi này được tổ chức hàng tuần và bắt đầu lại vào Chủ Nhật hàng tuần lúc 23:00 GMT+7.
  3. Rương may mắn sẽ được trao vào lúc 12 giờ trưa (GMT +7) thứ Ba hàng tuần và người chơi cần đăng nhập vào trang web tìm rương may mắn để đổi lấy. Người chơi đủ điều kiện sẽ nhận được một tin nhắn trong hộp thư đến thông báo rằng rương may mắn đã sẵn sàng để đổi. Xem bên dưới:
    – Là người chơi hiện tại đã tích lũy tổng số tiền gửi từ 1.000.000 VND trở lên.
    – Mỗi người chơi có thể kiếm được một Rương may mắn mỗi tuần.
  4. Người chơi phải đăng nhập và đổi Rương may mắn trước 22:59 tối GMT+7 thứ Sáu. Rương may mắn sẽ hết hạn nếu người chơi không đổi nó trong khoảng thời gian nhất định.
  5. Khuyến mãi Rương may mắn được thực hiện trên cơ sở ai đến trước thì được nhận thưởng trước. Nếu tổng giải thưởng tuần 588.888.888 VND đã được người chơi nhận hết. Khuyến mãi sẽ được xem là “Kết thúc” hoặc “Hoàn thành” cho tuần đó.
  6. Kết quả của Rương may mắn là ngẫu nhiên và khuyến mãi sẽ tự động kết thúc khi quỹ giải thưởng đã được khai thác hết. Giải thưởng tiền mặt tối đa mà người chơi có thể giành được từ một rương may mắn duy nhất lên tới 10.000.000 VND!
  7. Tên đăng nhập của người chơi trên bảng người chiến thắng sẽ hiển thị hai (2) ký tự đầu tiên và cuối cùng. Nếu tên đăng nhập của bạn dài hơn bảy (7) ký tự, sẽ được ẩn ở giữa vì mục đích bảo mật.
    Ví dụ: Nếu tên đăng nhập là “”user123456″”, thì trên bảng thành tích, tên người dùng sẽ được hiển thị là “”us***56″””
  8. Sau khi mở rương may mắn, giải thưởng tiền mặt sẽ được cộng vào tài khoản của bạn trước hoặc vào lúc 02:00 giờ chiều (GMT+7) ngày hôm sau.
  9. Giải thưởng tiền mặt có yêu cầu 3 lần vòng cược trên tất cả các sản phẩm MCW trước khi có thể thực hiện bất kỳ khoản rút tiền nào. Yêu cầu về vòng cược sẽ được tự động hủy bỏ nếu số dư trong tài khoản của người chơi từ 10 VND trở xuống.
  10. Một điểm trong hệ thống tương đương với 1.000 VNĐ tiền thật. 1 điểm hệ thống = 1.000 VND.
  11. Ưu đãi tiền thưởng khuyến mại này được giới hạn cho một người/tài khoản/gia đình/địa chỉ đăng ký hợp pháp/địa chỉ email/số điện thoại/tài khoản thanh toán/địa chỉ IP/môi trường máy tính dùng chung, ví dụ: trường học, thư viện công cộng hoặc nơi làm việc. Chúng tôi bảo lưu quyền rút lại tính khả dụng của bất kỳ ưu đãi tiền thưởng nào đối với bất kỳ khách hàng hoặc nhóm khách hàng nào.
  12. MCW có quyền đưa ra quyết định cuối cùng.


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보너스 설명 상금

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Description Prize

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Description Prize

머니 체스트를 받고 게임을 플레이하면 더 큰 승리가 기다립니다!
매주 50,000원을 충전하면 머니 체스트를 받을 수 있습니다. 주간 최대 상금 20,000,000원을 받으세요!!

매주 10명의 행운의 당첨자가 랜덤으로 선정되어 2,300,000원의 상금을 받게 되며, 총 상금은 22,300,000원입니다!

1. 머니 체스트를 획득하세요
매주 최소 50,000원을 충전하시면 그 다음주 머니 체스트에 응모하실 수 있습니다.

2. 로그인하여 받은 럭키 체스트를 열어보세요
회원 ID와 전화번호 마지막 4자리로 로그인하면 럭키 체스트가 열립니다.

3. 2,300,000원의 캐시드롭
매주 10명의 행운의 당첨자를 추첨하여 최대 2,300,000원을 지급합니다.

금액 당첨자 수
700,000 1
500,000 1
250,000 2
100,000 6


럭키박스 오픈


  1. 본 이벤트는 원화 및 가상화폐를 사용하는 회원에 한해 진행됩니다.
  2. 본 이벤트는 매주 월요일 오전 1시(한국시간)부터 시작됩니다.
  3. 머니 체스트는 매주 화요일 오후 1시(한국시간) 이전에 제공되며,이벤트 페이지에서 확인하실 수 있습니다. 당첨자는 개인 쪽지함으로 메세지가 발송됩니다.
    –  자격요건 : 지난 주 한주간 50,000원 이상 충전한 회원
    – 머니 체스트에 응모하셔야만 보너스를 받을 수 있습니다.
  4. 럭키 체스트는 매 주 토요일 오전 0시 59분(한국시간) 이전에 확인해주시기 바랍니다. 해당 기간이 지나면 교환 기간이 만료됩니다.
  5. 머니 체스트 이벤트는 선착순으로 진행됩니다. 주간 최대 상금 22,300,000원이 모두 소진된 경우, 그 주의 이벤트는 종료될 수 있습니다.
  6. 머니 체스트의 결과는 랜덤이며, 상금이 모두 소진되면 이벤트는 자동으로 종료됩니다. 하나의 머니 체스트에서 획득할 수 있는 상금은 최대 2,000,000원입니다.
  7. 리더보드의 당첨자 ID는 처음 2자리와 마지막 2자리만 표시됩니다. 사용자 이름이 7자를 초과하는 경우 보안을 위해 중간 자리는 공개되지 않습니다. 예: 당첨자의 ID가 “”user123456″” 인 경우 리더보드에 “”us***56″” 으로 표시됩니다.
  8. 상금은 머니 체스트를 교환한 다음 날 오후 4시(한국시간) 이전에 회원의 계정으로 적립됩니다.
  9. 상금은 환전 전 모든 MCW의 게임에서 300%의 롤링이 완료되어야 합니다. 다만, 회원 계정의 잔액이 1,000원 이하인 경우 롤링이 완료된 것으로 간주합니다.
  10. 이벤트에 참여 후 환전시, 회원은 최소 1회, 최소 입금금액 이상 충전한 기록이 있어야 합니다.
  11. 본 이벤트는 1인 1계정 / 본인 가족 / 결제 계정 / 법적 주소지 / 이메일 주소 / 전화번호로 제한됩니다. 동일 계정으로 의심되는 동일 IP 주소 / 공유 컴퓨터 환경 (예: 학교, 공공 도서관 또는 직장 등)으로 이벤트가 악용되었을 경우 당사는 모든 고객 또는 그 그룹에 한하여 보너스 혜택을 철회할 권리를 보유합니다.
  12. MCW는 최종 결정권을 가집니다.
Terms and Condition

Play hard and win hard with the Lucky Chest! Accumulate at least KRW 50,000 weekly deposit to earn a lucky chest. Win a cash prize from a weekly KRW 20,000,000 Prize Pool!!

Each week, 10 Lucky Players will be randomly selected to receive an additional cash drop of KRW 2,300,000, making the total prize pool KRW 22,300,000!

Earn your Lucky Chest by accumulating at least a total deposit of KRW 50,000 in a week.

Log in with your username and the last 4 digits of your registered phone number to start the spin.

3. KRW 2,300,000 Cash Drop
10 fixed prizes added up to KRW 2,300,000 will be randomly drawn to 10 lucky playrs each week.

Amount Number of Prizes
700,000 1
500,000 1
250,000 2
100,000 6


Terms and Conditions:

  1. This promotion is available to all KRW players.
  2. This promotion is held weekly and restarts every Monday at 01:00 AM GMT+9.
  3. Lucky chest will be credited every Tuesday at 13:00 PM GMT+9 and player need to login to the lucky chest site to redeem it. Eligible players will received an inbox message informing them that the lucky chest is ready to be redeemed. See below:
    – Be an existing player who accumulated a total deposit of KRW 50,000 above.
    – Each player can earn one Lucky Chest every week.
  4. Players must log in and redeem their Lucky Chest before Saturday 00:59 AM GMT+9. The Lucky Chest will expire if players do not redeem it within the given period.
  5. The lucky chest promo is on first come first serve basis. If the KRW 22,300,000 weekly prize pool has been fully redeemed by the players. The promotion will be consider as Ended or Done for the particular week.
  6. The outcome of the lucky chest is random and promotion will automatically end when the prize pool has been fully claimed. Maximum cash prize a player can win from a single lucky chest is up to KRW 2,000,000
  7. Player’s username on the leaderboard will show the first and last two (2) characters. If your username is longer than seven (7) characters, it will be masked in the middle for security purposes. Example: If the username is “user123456”, then on the leaderboard it will be displayed as “us***56”.
  8. The cash prize will be credited to your real money account on or before 04:00 pm GMT +9 the next day when the lucky chest prize has been redeemed.
  9. The cash prize has a 3x wagering requirement on all MCW products before any withdrawal can be made. The wagering requirement will be met if the balance in player’s accounts is KRW 1000 or less.
  10. For new player accounts without any deposit, a minimum deposit is required before player is allowed to withdraw his winnings.
  11. This promotional bonus offer is limited to one person/account/family/legal registered address/email address/telephone number/payment account/IP address/shared computer environment, e.g., school, public library, or workplace. We reserve the right to withdraw the availability of any bonus offer to any customer or group of customers.
  12. MCW reserves the right to make the final decision.
Terms and Condition

Lucky Chest is now bigger and better!
Play hard and win hard with the improved Lucky Chest! Additional 100,000 PHP will be added as random cash drop to 10 Lucky Players each week! Making it 988,888 PHP in total prize pool!

Accumulate at least 3,000 PHP weekly deposit to earn a lucky chest. Win a cash prize from a weekly 988,888 PHP Prize Pool!!

How it works:

Earn your Lucky Chest by accumulating at least a total deposit of 3,000 PHP in a week.

Log in with your username and the last 4 digits of your registered phone number to start the spin.

3. 100,000 PHP CASH DROP
10 fixed prize added up to 100,000 PHP has been added to the pool to be drawn each week.

Amount Number of Prizes
30,000 1
20,000 1
10,000 2
5,000 6


Terms and Conditions:

  1. This promotion is available to all PHP players.
  2. This promotion is held weekly and restarts every Monday at 12:00 AM GMT+8.
  3. Lucky chest will be credited every Tuesday at 12:00 PM GMT+8 and player need to login to the lucky chest site to redeem it. Eligible players will received an inbox message informing them that the lucky chest is ready to be redeemed. See below:
    – Be an existing player who accumulated a total deposit of 3,000 PHP or above.
    – Each player can earn one Lucky Chest every week.
  4. Players must log in and redeem their Lucky Chest before Friday 23:59 PM GMT+8. The Lucky Chest will expire if players do not redeem it within the given period.
  5. The lucky chest promo is on first come first serve basis. If the 988,888 PHP weekly prize pool has been fully redeemed by the players. The promotion will be consider as “Ended” or “Done” for the particular week.
  6. The outcome of the lucky chest is random and promotion will automatically end when the prize pool has been fully claimed. Maximum cash prize a player can win from a single lucky chest is up to 50,000 PHP!
  7. Player’s username on the leaderboard will show the first and last two (2) characters. If your username is longer than seven (7) characters, it will be masked in the middle for security purposes.
    Example: If the username is “user123456”, then on the leaderboard it will be displayed as “us***56”.
  8. The cash prize will be credited to your real money account on or before 03:00 pm GMT +8 the next day when the lucky chest prize has been redeemed.
  9. The cash prize has a 3x wagering requirement on all MCW products before any withdrawal can be made. The wagering requirement will be met if the balance in player’s accounts is 10 PHP or less.
  10. For new player accounts without any deposit, a minimum deposit is required before player is allowed to withdraw his winnings.

  11. This promotional bonus offer is limited to one person/account/family/legal registered address/email address/telephone number/payment account/IP address/shared computer environment, e.g., school, public library, or workplace. We reserve the right to withdraw the availability of any bonus offer to any customer or group of customers.
  12. MCW reserves the right to make the final decision.

Terms and Condition

Sign up an account or accumulate 5,000 BDT weekly deposit to earn a Lucky Chest. Win a cash prize from a weekly 3,777,777 BDT Prize Pool!!

How It Works

For New Players, create a MCW account to earn 1 Lucky Chest on the following week.

For existing player, earn your Lucky Chest by accumulating at least a total deposit of 5,000 BDT in a week.

Log in with your username and the last 4 digits of your registered phone number to start the spin.

Stand a chance to win up to 500,000 BDT from a single chest!!
Visit https://spin.mcwleague.com/ to open your Lucky Chest)


Terms and Condition

  1. This promotion is available for all BDT players.
  2. This promotion is held weekly and restarts every Monday at 12:00 AM GMT+8.
  3. Cash Prize will be credited into player account every Tuesday. See below:
    – New players who registred an account last week
    – Existing player who accumulate a total deposit of 5,000 BDT or above
    – Each player can earn 1 Lucky Chest every week. A new player who register an account and meet the deposit requirement on the same week can earn a total of 2 Lucky Chest.
  4. Player must login and redeem their lucky chest before Friday 23:59PM GMT+8. The lucky chest will expire if players do not redeem it within the given period.
  5. The lucky chest promo is on first come first serve basis. If the 3,777,777 BDT weekly prize pool has been fully redeemed by the players. The promotion will be consider as “ended” or “Done” for the particular week.
  6. The outcome of the lucky chest is random and promotion will automatically end when the prize pool has been fully claimed. Maximum cash prize a player can win from a single lucky chest is up to 500,000 BDT!!
  7. The cash prize will be credited to your real money account in the next 24 hours when the lucky chest prize has been redeemed.
  8. The cash prize has 3x Wagering Requirement on ALL MCW Products before any withdrawal can be made. The wagering requirement will be met if the balance in player’s account is 10 BDT or less.
  9. For new player accounts without any deposit, a maximum winnings of 500 BDT is allowed for withdrawal. Any balance/winnings >500 BDT will be forfeited upon successful withdrawal.
  10. This promotional bonus offer is limited to one person/ account/ family/ legal registered address/ email address/ telephone number/ payment account)/ IP Address/ shared computer environment, e.g., school, public library, or workplace. We reserve the right to withdraw the availability of any bonus offer to any customer or group of customers.
  11. MCW reserves the right to make the final decision.